In this beautiful blogworld I've been lucky enough to find some good friends:
one of them is surely Anne Marie.

Last Friday she wrote some beautiful and touching words about me and my home in her blog which I follow daily:
I'm always looking for a new post and when I see she has posted I can't wait and imediately click on the link to her blog in my blogroll!). Click here to see but, before, please read my post (this will be a long one, maybe the longer one I've written...)
During these last months I've begun to know her and to love her and her life (or should I say her Na-da Farm life?!). She also wrote about my fireplace last Winter, here.
It is such a honour for me to be featured in her blog!
During these last months I've begun to know her and to love her and her life (or should I say her Na-da Farm life?!). She also wrote about my fireplace last Winter, here.
It is such a honour for me to be featured in her blog!
She lives in the rural outback of the Usa, in Illinois,

and she has a big beautiful family and a dreamy organic Farm
where she grows her hown food

(just like us, but more then us! Think at this: she doesn't visit the grocery for months...
her stocks last sooo much!).
She's mother to six, a loving and caring mother and has such a sweet husband, Jason, who, she tells, is always so patient with her (she thinks she's a woman one has to be patient with, she does not understand how special she is)! One thing is so evident: they are really in love. You can really feel that through her blog!
She's mother to six, a loving and caring mother and has such a sweet husband, Jason, who, she tells, is always so patient with her (she thinks she's a woman one has to be patient with, she does not understand how special she is)! One thing is so evident: they are really in love. You can really feel that through her blog!
I always wonder if she sleeps at night: as I told you she has six children that she homeschools (can you believe that? I wonder if that would be possible here in Italy...I'm not so sure).
She sews their clothes (as well as hers!), she's always present for them and I LOVE the way she is growing them: free yet respectful, dreamers yet practical little boys and girls.

They DO WORK WITH THEIR HANDS, things that many parents have forgot to teach to their kids, which I think is really a big lack.

She prepares glorious food made from simple ingredients (simple things that look so yummy!!) with her own grown vegetables, she makes bread.

She has teamed up with some incredible women (artists and artisans) for her "Sale at the Barn events" which take place twice a year (you must see them to understand what I am talking about... click here).
We have shared an important moment of our lives: my first son GG has born in February and her sixth, Daniel Maximus, has born one month later. They both were late and their mums were a bit tired at the end! They both were so big (my GG was 3,850 kgs and her DM was, hear ye, 4,890 kgs!!).
Ok, ok, now I've written too much but, when I love someone, when I admire a woman,
it is always like that: I can't stop!
One more thing: she really inspires me, when I am tired or down for some reason I think of Anne Marie, her strenght, her sweetness, her resolution and I just feel better!
p.s. Anne Marie 's wonderful home (which is constantly changing!!She loves to redecorate and when she feels she has to rearrange something, she just DOES! Buying little, instead using everything she already owns!), is one of the beautiful Farm featured in last Fifi O' Neil book:
p.s. Anne Marie 's wonderful home (which is constantly changing!!She loves to redecorate and when she feels she has to rearrange something, she just DOES! Buying little, instead using everything she already owns!), is one of the beautiful Farm featured in last Fifi O' Neil book:
ps. Ho scritto tutto in Inglese in modo che Anne Marie potesse capire. Ora non ho tempo di tradurre...
è proprio vero che non si smette mai di incontrare gente strepitosa..
che delicatezza e dolcezza, bellissimo
I've had the great
RispondiEliminapleasure of attending
two of Anne Marie's
barn sales in the
last year.....It was
a treat to meet her
as well as many of her
children. She is as
you describe!
xx Suzanne
RispondiEliminaShe inspires me too in so many ways...I admire her strength and her beautiful way of living. I'm afraid sometimes she may think I stalk her because I take everything in that she says and faithfully wait for a new post!!! :)
RispondiEliminaHer blog is how I found yours ... which I have come to love alse. Your home seems so warm and welcoming. I LOVE your kitchen!
Thanks to both of you lovely ladies for sharing so much wonderful thoughts will all of us ~
Sarah xo
Questa donna è davvero incredibile!!Tanti tanti complimenti,
Well good morning sweet Fra!! What are you doing posting about me you sweet lady?? Oh good are so nice and if I could, I'd give you a big hug!!! and kiss!!!!
RispondiEliminaAs always,
your friend,
Anne Marie
Ma questa è una super donna! Mamma di sei bambini, vive in una fattoria e va pochissimo a fare la spesa, in più fa la maestra a casa per i figli e... la lista delle cose che riguardano questa signora sarebbe lunghissima, ma come fa a fare tutto! E quando guardo la sua foto con in braccio il bambino, la vedo così serena! Vorrei essere anche solo un pezzettino di quello che è lei!
RispondiEliminaMi rendo conto sempre più di quante donne meravigliose ci siano al mondo!
E di quante questo mondo di blog mi permette di conoscere!
Grazie perché quando sono giù, quando sono stressata, o"schizzata", vengo a farmi un giro e sto subito meglio!
Bye Bye by Francy
why hello there!! I found you via anne-marie---
RispondiEliminasuch a good thing I hopped over here!
Hello Fra,
RispondiEliminaYes, me too I fall in love with her blog since the first time I had visited a few months a go.Her numerous family,simply living.Her family living style simple and richness by faith and prayer, I do adore so much. Hard to find in now days a family like that. I found you as well in Anne Marie. I love as well your blog.
happy to know you.
big hug